Before Intravenous Anesthesia Sedation
Please carefully follow the instructions below. If you have any questions regarding any of these instructions please contact the office at least 24 hours in advance.
- DO NOT eat any food, candy, gum or drink any liquids 8 hours before surgery, doing so may create a risk of severe life threatening complications and may result in the cancellation of your surgery.
- If pre-medication was given, please take the medication 1 hour prior to your surgery time with a small sip of water.
- A responsible adult must accompany the patient to and from the office the day of surgery. No Ubers or Taxi drivers please. If the patient is a minor, under the age of 18 years old, the parent or guardian must stay in the office at all times.
- No smoking for at least 12 hours prior to your surgery.
- No use of Marijuana 24 hours prior to surgery, doing so may create a risk of severe life threatening complications and may result in the cancelation of your surgery.
- Wear comfortable clothing such as sweatpants and short-sleeved shirts. Avoid wearing sweaters, sweatshirts and long sleeved shirts to your appointment.
- Remove dark nail polish and/or acrylic nail from at least one fingernail on your left hand.
- Remove all jewelry and contact lenses.
If you have failed to discuss any type of medical problems or any type of medication (other than vitamins) with your surgeon, please call our office before the surgery to discuss this with our staff.